It is our main philosophy to provide the highest quality and the best service in line with unconditional customer satisfaction. The goal of our future plans and all the works will be better understand the needs of our customers and to meet them rapidly and in a better way.

We will always maintain their trust and loyalty with our honesty and reliability.


We will make our best efforts to put on markets the highest quality products and services at advanced standards that our customers need or may need at right places and at right time.


We will never compromise on our conception of "total quality” at any time.


With the diligence and care we will display, we will use our time and all the resources that our company has very carefully for any kind of needs


We will show awareness to the Earth which has been highly polluted with actions to put a lid on this at every step of our commercial activities.


It will be our principle to play a part in information sharing, research and contribution, to continuously follow and implement technological developments in our field and to adopt the markets of all the countries as our area of work.


We will keep an eye out for all the changes in sector that affect us or we believe to affect us. We will be proud of the corporate growth and development we will achieve. We will seek after the ways of performing our works continuously more effectively and in higher quality.


It will be our principle to treat our employees as an indispensable and long-term part of our company, to appreciate their ideas and suggestions, to look after and respect their high ethical values, to award their honesty and to treat them equally within a sound internal competition. Our employees will find the opportunity to be a participator depending on their abilities, to make improvement and progress and to implement them in such an environment independently of political and cultural developments. We will create a company that they will be proud of and are bonded with at the hearth by raising the environmental conditions of working to the high level of humanity and by supporting our teamwork.


We will create sustainable profitability with our suppliers in cooperative spirit by working honestly, reliably and devotedly and within the frame of right sale estimations and at the optimum capacity and stock levels they provide. We will play an important part in informing our suppliers of developments by establishing a bridge between consumer and producer in terms of the new needs and information.


The future status of our society will be set through the contributions of institutions and individuals. While maintaining our traditions, we will exhibit our leadership by trying to create necessary resources for contributing to and supporting many projects we believe to create modern conditions for our people.

If the appropriate conditions are met, we will take our company public and also commercially integrate with the society.